Rolling Horse: Day 10, 11 and 12

Day 10

Virginia City with a hop, skip and jump down the road to Lake Tahoe.

Day 11

Fairly early start and another short ride to Sacramento.
I rode through this town two years ago and it looked beautiful so I wanted to experience it.
I stayed in Old Sacramento, which I fell in love with.
Found a couple of really cool bars with great food and company.

Day 12

I wanted to get within striking distance of Los Angeles so hit the road at 8am and headed for San Francisco and down as far as I could go on the Pacific Coast Highway.

The road was closed at Big Sur due to slips, which I knew, but I wanted to check out the great views.

I doubled back to Carmel and had a delightful lunch at an out of the way restaurant.

I jumped on a backroad, G16, that would take me onto the 101 freeway.

It was a great ride with few cars, no road markings or signs and hot weather.

I rode threw vineyard after vineyard and I was loving life!

Just me and a remote road.

Worries and stresses left me weeks ago, and today was pure enjoyment.

I jumped on the freeway and road a few more hours and am now in my cave at Paso Robles.

I've just ordered my spare ribs and well deserved beer.

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